The architecture and urbanism limited us all, making real decisions as a symptom of a society that promotes ideologies. Thus Simona Rota sees architecture as a code, a appropriation of territory that allows an overview of the world at a particular point in the history of a civilization with multiple implications and scales, with different levels of reading as the eye that looks. The architecture as a tool, as a platform for expression of power and as a result of how we imagine the world. This way it oppresses our movements, habits and dreams as a cage in which a bird lives. A cage that looks very differently depending on your position on this, as an observer of the object, as a resident or in relation to the environment and their own characteristics prior and persistent.
The architecture fits us physically and mentally so ubiquitous. Now we are suffering the consequences of the construction bubble and the paradigm shifts in the consumption of housing, perhaps we can begin to shape the architecture as one of the key limiting codes of our existence in all its forms. Viewing in our environment we can detect what we think about ourselves as a civilization, what we think and what we dream of or pretend to be.
The architecture view from a dual presence of contrasts but with a starting point of this show starring Simona Rota. A set of oppositions facing a mirror, between inside and outside, between the inhabited and abandoned, between everyday life inside Big Exit and absolute solitude of Instant Village and Ostalgia. Contrasts that are correlated in different formats and series that come together in the room for the viewer to travel between their images with the same atmosphere and multiple interpretations.
This selection of works created in three independently series, note the importance of architecture, both in the domestic life of the people and in the public life of societies. Giving form to space uses, the buildings emerge in a frozen moment that will not be repeated. The warmth inside Big Exit shows a female figure looking out her oppressive apartment, limiting her actions and condition of her lifestyle. While in this series the key is provided by the female figure, both in Instant Village and Ostalgia, the silence and lack of human is relating what architecture provides all the power for which it was created, from the political advertising of the buildings of the former Soviet Union and as the urban aberrations of the Spanish coast.
The poetics of abandonment, the disconnect between landscape and architecture or between construction and social reality is one of the key drivers of Simona Rota´s production, highlighting pieces in this selection of the resounding power of architecture as a source of our existence, in which we develop at all levels.
by Paulova, Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet
15/08/2014 - 04/09/2014