Artist and curator, Gerard Calderón understands creation in a totally transversal way. This interdisciplinary experience allows him to obtain a careful set of images in each one of his actions. From photography to performance, from sculpturing to the installation or assembly of expositions, his fresh and present esthetic draws out a careful creativity of elegant, yet harsh lines, reflecting in many of his projects a social discomfort or even a crude vindication of reality which surrounds us, getting closer to a queer esthetic and raising it to its perfect execution.
He is now experimenting with video and photography to provide 3D effects and play with image perception, without giving up on the art of action which distinguished his previous work.
2008 Postgrado en Comunicación y producción cultural, Facultad de Comunicación Blanquerna, Universidad Ramón Llull, Barcelona
2008 Curso de Edición y Postproducción de vídeo digital en el centro CIFO de Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
2004 Técnico Superior en Imagen por la Escuela ITES de Barcelona
2005 Curso de fotografía publicitaria, moda y editorial en la Escuela IDEP de Barcelona
2014 CORNER, Art Deal project, Barcelona.
2014 Desencert, Universitat de Lleida.
2014 Deconstrucción, Escalera de Incendios, Barcelona.
2013 Cuarto Público, Art Deal project, Santiago de Compostela.
2013 ROOM ART FAIR#3, Art Deal project, Madrid.
2013 Subvertere - Desestabilizando la imagen, Art Deal project, WeArt Festival en el CC Pati Llimona, Barcelona.
2013 Second Chance, Tormenta y Marea, Madrid
2013 Footwar, Stripart, Barcelona 2013 Incertezas, Talent and Co, Barcelona
2013, JÄÄL PHOTO art fair, Art Deal project, Madrid.
2012 Black Art Weekend, Art Deal project, Barcelona.
2012 ROOM ART FAIR#2, Art Deal project, Madrid.
2012 Trilogía, Centre Cultural Juneda, Juneda, Lleida.
2012 g.h.n.c.t.s.u, Escalera de Incendios, Barcelona
2009 Fear!, Centre Civic Guinardó, Barcelona
2009 Cultura Agitada, Stripart, Barcelona
2008 Autodestrucción, Galería El Escaparate, Barcelona
2008 Dispositiu, Stripart, Barcelona
2007 From Death to Life, Mostra d´Art Jove de Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona
2011 Gent del barri, Centre de Cultura Contemporànea de Pardinyes, Lleida
2010 Menjart, Centre de Cultura Contemporànea de Pardinyes, Lleida
2008 Extra_barri, Centre de Cultura Contemporànea de Pardinyes, Lleida
2008 Urezko Euria, Festival Espontani del Centre d´Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona
2006 Too Young to die, FAD (Foment de les Arts i el Disseny), Barcelona